Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Secretary Mamba Awards 5ID Personnel for Exemplary Performance in IPSP “Bayanihan”

Hon. Manuel N Mamba, Secretary of Presidential Legislative Liaison Office, awards Military Merit Medal to a trooper of 5th Infantry (Star) Division, Philippine Army for his exemplary performance in the conduct of AFP IPSP “Bayanihan”. Assisting him is MGEN BENITO ANTONIO T DE LEON AFP, COMMANDER, 5ID.
Camp Melchor F dela Cruz, Upi, Gamu, Isabela –   Secretary Manuel Mamba, the head  of the Presidential Legislative  Liaison  Office awarded 13 personnel of the Army’s 5th Infantry (Star) Division for their exemplary performances in the conduct of AFP Internal Peace and Security Plan (IPSP) “Bayanihan”  during the Monday Flag-raising ceremony held at the Division Grandstand on May 5, 2014.     
            Secretary Mamba who was the Guest of Honor and Speaker during the said ceremony was assisted by MGen Benito Antonio T De Leon, Commander of the Army’s 5th Infantry (Star) Division in giving Military Merit Medals to 11 deserving personnel of the Command for their meritorious services rendered.

In his message to the Star troopers, Secretary Mamba urged the leadership of 5ID Commander to lead the soldiers through the straight and narrow path of justice, honor and service and guide them through the challenges that come hand in hand with the sacrifices each and every soldier has embraced in the service of God and country

He said that the life of our Filipino soldiers is full of sacrifice because of limited resources as compared to soldiers of rich nations. However, “the plight of our soldiers has not gone unnoticed under the leadership of our Commander-In-Chief, His Excellency Benigno Simeon Aquino III”, he added.

He, further praised the new campaign strategy of the AFP which is the Internal Peace and Security Plan “Bayanihan”.  “This Bayanihan activity was immensely demonstrated by our Filipino soldiers together with American soldiers to the victims of Typhoon Yolanda which served as shining example to the whole world that if we stand united, there are no obstacles that cannot be hurdled, there are no tragedies that cannot be overcome,” he emphasized. He further added that “As partner for peace and development, the combat soldier transformed themselves into developer who shared a genuine concern not only the security of our people but  also for their general well-being,” he also stressed.

Secretary Mamba complimented the troops and further gave his deepest gratitude to the 5ID under the leadership of MGen Benito Antonio T De Leon for inviting him  to deliver a message to the Star Troopers as a fellow public servant sharing in their mission of serving the people.

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